Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall is here!

Oh, the weather in Atlanta is just beautiful right now! We might still have some hot days, but the temperature is just perfect! Jack is loving being outside!

We had a nice visit with Mimi and Papa Frank this week! It was great to see them, and Jack was thrilled to get some time to play!
Jack is eating in his highchair at night at the table with Daddy and Mommy! We are such a little family! Jack eats and then drops every toy off the right side of his highchair! It's quite the game! He is also starting to say "Maaa" a lot.... Now, I am still quite sure that his first word will be Da-Da! But I have my hopes!
Check out our new pictures!

1 comment:

Renee said...

Hey Katie! I just randomly found your blog through Allison Cressman's page. I saw the pictures of Jack and thought "Hey, I know that little guy!" He is too cute! Hope to see you again soon!