Monday, December 17, 2012

More Fa La La La La!!!

We have been in full Christmas swing around here (in between our crazy life!) We had SUCH a fun Christmas with Mimi and Papa Tillie! They came up on a Friday afternoon and spent the weekend with us. I was running in the door from being in California all week for work (hence the crazy life!)  We played outside and opened presents in front of the tree! Saturday morning I got up and met some great friends and Aunt Jenn to run the Atlanta Jingle Jog! It was lots of fun! Mimi and Papa were so great to let Steven and I go to a Christmas dinner (adults only!!!) on Saturday night! It was a fun night with friends!

Aunt Jenn and me! 2nd Race together this year!

Running girls!

Fun times in Publix!
Fun times with the girls at Christmas Dinner Party!

Such a nice night!

Decorating our Gingerbread house

Proud Little man!

Jack had his Christmas program at school last Thursday and Poppa came down to see him sing! He has been singing his songs for over a month (Lucy sings them too!) and he was so excited about his program! They sang five songs and he smiled the whole way through. Lucy, on the other hand, started out smiling at big brother and then tried to go out and stand with him to sing. She was NOT smiling when Mommy told her she had to come back and sit with us! Poor baby girl! She wants to do everything Jack does!

It's hard not to watch her! 

So proud!


Sing it Jack!

Such a proud little sister!

Jack and his Poppa!

Family picture

Jack and his good buddy Cade

Friday night we headed to the Coopers for a Christmas party for Steven's company! It was really nice! Saturday morning I got up and went to a Holiday Endurance ride at the gym! It was so fun and I got to wear my holiday tu-tu again! (Haha!)

Such fun times!! 90 Minutes?! Bring it!

Stacey keeps me motivated!

We headed to Poppa and Nunno's for our big family Christmas later that morning! The whole family was there and it was so fun! The kiddos had the best time playing together and opening all their presents! It was a happy day!
Hiking in the woods before lunch!

Happy Couple! 25 years on December 18!!!

Another happy couple!!

What happens at the kids table..stays at the kids table!

John and Steven!

Aunt Jenn and Uncle Britt (keeping an eye on the kids table!)

Lucy and Anna wearing their Stockings on their head! 

Jack hanging candy canes on the tree!

The WHOLE family! Happy times!

Aunt Jenn and Jack playing Santa

Lucy playing with Jack's boxing gloves! TROUBLE!

Coloring on the floor on a rainy afternoon!

Happiness is....syrup with a side of french toast! 

Happiness is.... how many bows can I stick on me?!

And what do you do after a fun it again!!! We went to Granny's on Sunday afternoon to celebrate with all the Buffington's! It is hard to believe that all of the cousins are getting so big!!! They all sat around and worked in coloring books and all opened their own gifts! It was a happy night and I think we have a new tradition of being at Granny's house!
Lots of family! SO happy!

Lily in her new robe!

The little girls aren't so little any more!

Granny and some of her great grandchildren (Lily, Douglas, Alice, Jack and Lucy)


Granny and her babies!

It's hard to believe that this is the week before Christmas (Especially with some more shopping to do!!!) but we are hoping for a little bit slower time and spend some time at home enjoying the holidays! We have lots more cookies to bake and lots more Christmas movies to watch! There are a few things this season that have been so fun with the kids that I want to remember..... Jack is CRAZY about Edward (our Elf on the Shelf), he jumps out of bed to see where Edward could be each morning (Lucy is just as excited if she sees Jack excited!) The boys next door have to come in our house to see where Edward is and Jack has to go to their house each day! We go look at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood every night (it is truly spectacular), both kids favorite song is Feliz Navidad..they sing it all the time (it was part of Jack's program), Lucy sings the same line over and over of Little Drummer Boy (.."Told me...Pum Pum..." TOO CUTE!) Neither of the kids touches the tree or the ornaments. They both helped unwrap them all and were super careful! Jack is in a typical 4 year old mindset..he races through his presents and wants more to open...Lucy takes her time and then gets all into one toy and doesnt care about opening the others. Jack stamped everyone of our Christmas cards this year again. Jack helped with every step of making our sugar cookies during Lucy's nap, Lucy sings "Santa Claus is coming to town!" (just those words but over and over again!) Jack has told 2 different Santa's that he wants an Ipad..hilarious. He actually thinks he wants an Ipod because ours have his Disney music on it and he wants to listen to it any time he wants. (However, Aunt Jenn introduced games on the Ipad to Jack this weekend...we might be in for it! Ha!)

It's been really fun and we are really looking forward to a slower week cruising into Christmas! Happy times around here!

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